Public Works
Water Service
Our utility bills are due on the 10th of the month for all customers. To set up a new water account, call the utility clerk at City Hall. Water deposits are due in cash at the time of the account set-up and are $65 for homeowners (proof of ownership may be required) and $150 for renters. A $25 turn-on fee is required for each new customer.
Waste Water Service
Waste water is included in your utility bill. Your individual waste water fee does not change month-to-month - it is averaged over a three-month period and applied to the remainder of the year. Your water consumption during the months of December, January and February every year determine your waste water rate.
Large Item Trash Disposal
Twice a year through our contract with Sanitation Solutions, the City is able to provide access to two roll-off dumpsters for large household trash. We also provide a scrap metal roll-off container for scrap metal and appliances. Both sets of containers, when available, are located at the City Yard at 108 West Ave. Monday - Friday, 7 am - 3 pm.
Street Department
Our two street department employees are responsible for making repairs to our streets and all City-owned parking lots. They also maintain stop signs, parking signs, street signs and other traffic signs. If you need to report a pothole, damaged traffic sign, or other street department service request, please call City Hall or submit a work order below.

The following are the service rates for City of Linden utility customers:
Water Rate
Effective 10/12/2021
Sewer Rate
Effective 10/12/2021
Residential Garbage Rate
Effective 12/13/2021
Commercial Garbage Rate
Effective 12/13/2021
$15.80 for the first 1,000 gallons
$5.05 for each additional 1,000 gallons
$15.80 for the first 1,000 gallons
$4.21 for each additional 1,000 gallons
$13.16 per month
Plus $1.09 tax
$25.27 per month
Plus $2.08 tax